Spinal Integration
Spinal Integration is a light touch, hands-on form of body work. Your body will learn to connect with, move, and release energy, creating safety in your nervous system. Employing specific analysis, light contacts along the spine, and energetic practices, we cue the nervous system to reorganize patterns of stored tension. By inviting your nervous system to move from a place of defense into a place of connection, we become more adaptable, start to break old patterns, and create new patterns with more ease and freedom.
Most commonly, clients report feeling more peaceful and relaxed after sessions. During or following sessions, participants may experience a wave of emotions or sensations. Because it takes time for your body to learn the strategies of Spinal Integration, after your first trial session, it is encouraged to purchase a package of 12 sessions.
Having received Network Spinal Analysis for 14 years in the San Francisco Bay Area and then continuing energetic spinal care since moving to Nashville, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to learn energetic spinal work from Dr. Elaine Thornton of Vitality Empowers and become a practitioner. The combination of Spinal Integration, Craniosacral Therapy and Somatic Therapy has changed and enriched my life in countless ways, and Iām so looking forward to sharing this modality with you all.
Spinal Integration sessions are tucked away in the beautiful Inglewood neighborhood of East Nashville.